Booster Clubs want to see their favorite sports teams excel and they are willing to invest in their team’s success. Now there’s a way to contribute to the team’s success and to protect the athletes from exertion heat illnesses using HeatAlert™ Monitoring Stations.
Every year eager young athletes show up on practice fields around the country to hone their skills. Whether it’s track & field, baseball, soccer, or summer football practice, amateur and professional athletes, all turnout with a dedication to their sport and a deep desire to improve their skills. But this devotion and willingness to push themselves to their limits often has dangerous and sometimes, deadly consequences.
Exertion heat illnesses threaten thousands of athletes annually, some of these dedicated young people have even died as the result of heat illness. Heat stress sneaks up on the athletes like the frog in the pot of gradually warming water. The frog acclimated to the rising water temperature until it’s too late to jump out and save itself. Athletes, focused on building their skills, are like the frog. They are often unaware of the dangerous heat in their environment, until it’s too late.
Exertion heat illness may start out as excessive sweat, a rapid heart rate, cramps, and muscle weakness. But the athletes are so focused on their activities and training, that they are simply unaware of the growing danger. Before they realize it, they may feel weak, vomit, faint, convulse, or lose consciousness. Exertion heat illness is serious and may result in long term disabilities and in severe cases, even death.
It is not a sign of weakness to take steps to reduce heat stress. Booster clubs must insist that trainers and coaches incorporate specific mitigating protocols into their practice routines since many athletes may feel a competitive urgency to push themselves to dangerous levels of exertion. All athletes must be given time to rest, receive cool water frequently, spend rest time in the shade or under a misting tent, and be monitored for the early warning signs of heat illness.
But booster clubs can do more….
A high Heat Index is the source of most exertion heat illnesses. The heat index is more than just rising temperatures. The heat index is a combined calculation of the temperature and humidity. Your best solution to monitor the heat index on a practice field is with a HeatAlert™ Monitoring Station.
These cutting-edge monitoring stations can be installed indoors or out. They monitor the heat index continually and when the index reached a moderately high danger level (as defined by OSHA) an amber flashing light is displayed on the device. If the heat index reaches a dangerous level, the warning light flashes red. At the same time, a text message can be sent to the coach or trainer, informing them that the athletes are in danger of suffering from heat stress.
Imagine if the frog received a warning that the water was approaching a dangerous temperature.
As a booster you know your team can’t succeed if the athletes are injured. Now, you have a chance to make a meaningful contribution to their success and you can protect them while they’re training or even during an actual game or match. Sports booster clubs everywhere should invest in HeatAlert™ Monitoring Stations for their team’s practice field and stadium, to eliminate exertion heat illnesses and heat stress injuries.
Learn more about HeatAlert™ Monitoring Stations on our website or call Michael toll free 1-800-831-4551 or in Oregon 503-692-6656.
IceAlert, Inc.
20460 SW Avery Ct.
Suite B
Tualatin, OR 97062
Phone 503-692-6656
Toll Free 1-800-831-4551
Fax 503-692-6657